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Published on May 17, 2020 by Man Ho on Android Development


What is Coroutines

  • Generally, there are two types of multitasking methods to manage multiple processes:
    • “Preemptive Multitasking”: the OS manages the switching between processes
    • “Cooperative Multitasking”: each process manages its own behavior it
  • Coroutines is a software component that generates sub coroutines for Cooperative Multitasking
  • Coroutines were first used in 1958 for assemblies language; Python, Javascript, C# also used coroutines in many years.
  • In Kotlin, coroutines are introduced as a “Sequence of well managed sub tasks.” To some extent, coroutine can be seen as a lightweight Thread
  • One thread can run multiple coroutines, one coroutine can also can be passed between threads, can suspend on one thread and resume in another thread.

Why we need Coroutines

  • All “painful tasks” are done using RxJava, AsyncTask or other methods like executors, HandlerThreads and IntentServices are all simply implemented using coroutines.
  • Coroutines API also allows writing asynchronous code in one sequential manner.
  • Avoid boilerplate code coming from callbacks, make the code easy readable and easy to maintain.

Why we need asynchronous programming in android development?

  • Most smartphones have a refresh frequency of at least 60Hz.
    • This means the app will refresh 60 times per second (16,666ms for every refresh).
    • Therefore, if we run an application that will draw on screen by main thread every 16.66s. At the same time, there are also smartphones with a refresh frequency of 90Hz or 120Hz
    • Similarly, the application only needs 11.11ms and 8.33ms to perform a refresh on the main thread.
  • By default, the android main thread will have a set of regulars responsibilities - it will always parse XML, inflate view components and draw them repeated every refresh
  • Main thread must also listen for user interactions like click events
    • So, if we write too many tasks to handle on the main thread, if time its execution time exceeds the extremely small time between times refresh, the app will show performance errors, freeze the screen, unpredictable behaviours.
    • With technology, the refresh frequency will be higher and higher, we need to Deploy long-running asynchronous tasks in a separate thread. To achieve that, the newest, most effective way Currently Kotlin coroutines.

Coroutines vs. Thread

  • Coroutine and Thread are similar? - NO
  • We have Main thread (aka UI Thread), in addition we there is another background worker thread, but the thread is not the same coroutine.
  • Any thread can have multiple coroutines executed in the same time.
  • Coroutines are just “separate processors” that run on a single thread, even Up to 100 coroutines can run at the same time.
  • But by default, coroutines do not help us track them, or track the work done by them. So if we don’t manage Be careful, they can lead to memory leaks.
  • In Kotlin coroutines, we have to run all coroutines in a scope, using properties throughout the scope, we can easily Easily monitor coroutines, cancel and handle errors or exceptions thrown out by them.
Threads vs cores
  • Imagine 4-cores CPU as a factory, each core corresponds to a worker. In this context, we have 4 workers, representing cores processor’s own. Normally, the whole process is controlled by Boss - OS who will give commands to the worker.
  • Threads are like sequences of commands sent to the CPU core - threads transfers the task to the CPU core.
  • When workers work, OS will manage all threads and pay attention to schedule, as we know, OS is very expensive, like threads, both are costly and requires a lot of resources. Basically, each thread in The JVM takes up about 1MB of memory.
Physical vs logical core
  • A physical core is a hardware part of the CPU, it is simply the transistor inside CPU
  • A logical core is like a piece of code, it exists in the machine count. The number of cores is the number of threads that can execute in in the same time.
    • For example, we have 4 CPU cores, but 4 threads can execute at the same time At a time, we have 4 physical cores and 4 logical cores.

Imagine, we have 2 working lines, worker is working on line 1, but line 1 has a problem and cannot continue to work. Meanwhile, line 2 is ready to go, instead of standing at line 1 and waiting for it to be available can work again, worker can switch to line 2 and continue working work, at the same time can watch line 1 work again and come back work on line 1. That will increase work efficiency.

Kotlin coroutines are not managed by the OS

  • Kotlin coroutines are language features. OS doesn’t need to care about coroutine or plan for it. Coroutines will manage itself by cooperative multitasking.
  • At the time the coroutine suspends, the Kotlin runtime will look for the coroutine another to continue the execution. This is like everything OS to do previously can be done by a supervisor with much cheaper cost.
  • Coroutines are not like threads, it doesn’t take a lot of memory, just a few bytes for each coroutine. Therefore, we can run a lot at the same time work at a very low cost.


  • Thread is very limited, we know Thread Pool, it will limit the number of Threads at for a time, and coroutines are almost free, we can start running thousands of coroutines at the same time. It allows to run asynchronously in a synchronous way of writing code.

Blocking and Non-blocking

  • Blocking and Non-blocking are ways of describing how to execute an order of a program
    • Blocking is the command lines are executed sequentially, when a command line in front is not completed, the line in front later will not be able to execute, so if that command line executes cooperate with IO, networking, it will itself become an obstacle and block rear processing.
    • Non-blocking means that the command lines are not necessarily always is performed sequentially. If the command line behind doesn’t need the result from previous statements, it can be executed immediately after when the preceding command line is called (Asynchronous), accompanied by each dongf command we will have a callback, callback is the code that will be executed execute after the results returned from the asynchronous command line.
    • Example: launch { delay(1000L) println("World!") } print("Hello,") Thread.sleep(2000L)
      • Here, Thread.sleep() is a blocking, delay() is a non-blocking. Thread.sleep() will put the thread to sleep completely, while delay() just pauses it, allowing the rest to work normal movement.
    • Coroutines are computations that can be suspended without blocking a stream.

Coroutines vs. Callbacks

  • In the past, to use time-consuming tasks, most of us use callbacks, this way the task will be run under background thread, when the task is finished, return the result to main thread.

  • Use coroutines to remove callbacks:
    • Callbacks are a good way, but the code will be heavy and hard to read, hard debug.
    • Kotlin coroutines will convert callback structure into sequential code, easier to read.
    • Both callbacks and coroutines give the same result
    • Keyword suspend to mark function as coroutine
  • Between callback and coroutine, coroutine’s code will be more readable, shorter and easier to understand despite the same results. And if you want more task runs better, just keep writing, no need to create much callbacks.

New concept


  • CoroutineScope is an interface that we will use to provide a scope for coroutines.
  • In Kotlin coroutines, we also have another scope GlobalScope. GlobalScope used for running top-levels coroutines - which are operating on the whole application lifetime.
  • In android development we rarely use GlobalScope
  • Both of these scopes are described as a reference for the coroutine context

Context - Dispatchers

  • Dispatcher describes a type of thread where coroutines will be run
  • In Kotlin Android structured concurrency, it is always recommended recommend using main thread then move to background thread
    • Dispatchers.Main: coroutines will be run on the main thread (UI thread), we only use main dispatcher for small tasks, lightweight and has an impact on the UI such as: calling a UI function, calling a suspending function to get updated data from LiveData. In structured concurrency, the best advice is to launch coroutines on the main thread and then switch to the background thread.
    • Dispatchers.IO: coroutines will be run in the background thread “from a shared pool of on-demand created threads.” We will use IO dispatcher to work with the local database, communicate with the network and work with files.
    • Dispatchers.Default: used for CPU intensive tasks like about sort a large list, parse a huge JSON file,…
    • Dispatchers.Unconfined: is a dispatcher used with GlobalScope, if we use Unconfined, coroutines will be run on the current thread, but if they are suspended or resumed, it will run on the thread that has the suspending function running. This Dispatcher is not recommended for Android use Development.
  • In addition to these 4 dispatchers, the coroutines API also facilitates them we convert from “executors” to “dispatchers”, as well as create custom dispatcher.
  • To summarize, in Android development, the most commonly used are Main and IO Dispatcher.

Coroutines Builder

  • Coroutine builder is an extension function of coroutine scopes, We have 4 main builders:
    • launch: will run a new coroutine without blocking the current thread, This builder will return an instance of Job, which can be used used as a reference for coroutine. We can use this instance to monitor the coroutine’s activity and cancel it. We use launch builder for coroutines with no price return value. This builder returns a Job instance but no value value “return”, we cannot use this coroutine to calculate and return the final result.
    • async: if we want to get the result returned, we should use async builder, the main thing about async builder is to allow coroutines to run Parallelly, the async builder also won’t block the current thread (same as launch builder). This builder will return an instance of Deferred. In fact, the Deferred interface is an extension of Job interface, so we can use it as a Job and cancel coroutine. If our return is a String value. to To get data from a deferred object, we must call await() function, async is also one of the most commonly used builder most variable.
    • produce: used for coroutines that create a stream of elements. This builder returns an instance of ReceiveChannel.
    • runblocking: In Android Development we use runblocking is mainly for testing, this builder will block the thread for until it is done executing, this builder returns type T.
  • Holds the information of the coroutine, the job provides methods like cancel(), join()
    • cancel(): cancel coroutine, the special thing here is that the cancel function is only reset property isActive = false, but coroutine continues run, there are 2 ways to actually stop the coroutine that was called to cancel:
      • check the isActive property before performing the action
      • call any suspending function before executing the task, suspending function has the ability to check if the coroutine is still active no, otherwise it won’t execute the following lines.
    • join(): when we call join, the coroutine must finish running new program continues
    • finally block: if coroutine is canceled, it will look for finally block to run. We can take advantage of this feature to close all resources first when the coroutine is canceled. Going back to the example with cancel(), if we set 1 suspending function (example with delay()) in the finally block, coroutine will stop right here without continuing the following lines.
    • NonCancellable coroutine: with the withContext suspending function, we have You can pass the context as NonCancellable to make it run even if it’s already cancel or be checked with a suspending function.
  • Deferred is a non-blocking, can be canceled if requested, about it also basically represents the Job coroutine, which contains the value for a respective work.
  • Using Deferred allows us to combine

Switch the thread of a coroutine

Suspending functions

  • In Kotlin coroutines, whenever a coroutine is suspended, the current thread will stack frame of the function is copied and saved in the memory.
  • When the function resumes after completing its task, the stack frame is copied back from where it was saved and starts running again.
  • Kotlin coroutines API provides a lot of functions to help us work with it simpler:
    • withContext():
    • withTimeout():
    • withTimeoutOrNull():
    • join():
    • delay():
    • await():
    • supervisorScope:
    • coroutineScope:
    • and more…
    • Some other libraries such as Room or Retrofit also provide these suspending functions to support working with coroutines
  • Notes:
    • A suspending function can only be called within a suspending function
    • Suspending function is used as a “label” for heavy functions and take a long time to run.
    • Coroutine can call both suspending functions and regular functions
    • Suspending function does not block thread

Async & Await

  • Example:
    • Task 1: 10s
    • Task 2: 15s
    • Task 3: 8s
    • Task 4: 12s
      • With synchronous code, we will have to wait at least 10 + 15 + 8 + 12 = 45s to get the final result
      • But with asynchronous, we will only have to wait about 15 seconds for it results can be obtained.
  • Decomposition Parallel, usually, to write it will be very complicated complicated, difficult to write, difficult to read, difficult to maintain
  • But with Kotlin coroutines, we can do it simply simple.

Unstructured Concurrency vs. Structured Concurrency

  • In case we want to run multiple coroutines at the same time in one suspending function and get the result, there are 2 ways to do this there we call Structured Concurrency and Unstructured Concurrency

Unstructured Concurrency

  • This is the wrong application — Demo StructuredConcurrency (Un)—
  • Unstructured Concurrency will not guarantee completion of all your tasks suspending function before returning.
  • Here, in fact, child coroutines (delay 1000) are still running, even after the parent coroutine has completed (setText), the result is unexpected bugs, that’s with the launch . use case builder as demo.
  • With async builder and using await function can get result The result is as expected, at first glance it seems to work properly, but here problem still occurs. In Android, if an error occurs in function, it will throw exception, so we can catch exception in the functions that call it and handle it. In Unstructured Concurrency, though using launch or async builder, we can’t handle it exception properly. So although it may run properly in some case, but should not actually be used.

Structured Concurrency

  • All problems arising in Unstructured Concurrency are possible easily solved with coroutineScope function, pay attention here coroutineScope is different from CoroutineScope.
    • CoroutineScope is an interface.
    • coroutineScope is a suspending function that allows us to create child scopes within a certain coroutine scope, coroutine This scope ensures the completion of tasks when suspending function return results.
  • When using coroutineScope, it will guarantee completion of all tasks in the child scope provided by it before return (here launch and async).
  • In the previous example, the result we get is 70, because the problem occurs with unstructured concurrency.
  • In this example, the result should be 120.

  • This example is the best recommended practice, when we have many coroutines, we should always start Dispatcher.Main, with CoroutineScope interface, and inside suspending function, we should use Use the coroutineScope function to provide child scope.
  • Notes:
    • Structured Concurrency will ensure completion of all running tasks by coroutines inside child scope before suspending function return. In fact, in the coroutineScope, it waits for the child coroutines to complete not only that, it also has another benefit. When errors occur, exception is thrown, structured concurrency is also guaranteed notify the caller function. So we can easily handle, we can also use structured concurrency to cancel them necessary.
    • If we cancel the entire child scope, everything happens inside in it are all cancelled.
    • You can also cancel the coroutine independently.

Exception in Coroutines

  • With launch:
    • When throw Exception, coroutine will stop and throw exception
  • With async:
    • The difference is, the coroutine still stops, but the exception doesn’t work throw out
    • Because the exception is encapsulated into Deferred, only if we await() then it is thrown out.
  • But if we run 100 coroutines at the same time, how can we catch them all exception?
  • CoroutineExceptionHandler is used as a generic catch block of all coroutines.
  • Exception will be caught and returned for a callback function that is override handleException(context: CoroutineContext, exception: Throwable)
  • Notes:
    • CoroutineExceptionHandler could not catch the closed exception wrapping into Deferred, and coroutine in the runBlocking block, so we have to catch yourself
  • As said, when an exception is encountered, the coroutine will look for the code in the block finally to run, so if the code in finally also throws an exception, via Usually, the first exception encountered will be thrown, this time the exception in the finally block will be suppressed, to print all we can call exception.getSuppressed()
    • Example: Caught with suppressed [java.lang.ArithmeticException, java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException]


  • Normally, when a child coroutine occurs Exception, all Other child coroutines will also be stopped. If you want a coroutine can you happen Exception, the other child coroutines still work normally, ta can use SupervisorJob instead of Job
  • When SupervisorJob cancels, all its children will be canceled
  • In addition, we also have supervisorScope, its effect is similar to SupervisorJob


  • Following Android Architecture Component - MVVM Architecture
  • Use viewModelScope in ViewModel:
    • This makes it possible for any coroutines running in this scope is automatically destroyed when ViewModel isCleared without override onCleared()
    • This is also convenient when we want to complete coroutines only if ViewModel works.


  • Google also introduced a handy scope called lifecycleScope, one lifecycleScope is defined for each Lifecycle object
  • Any coroutines running in this scope will cancel when Lifecycle destroyed
  • Sometimes we need to create coroutines in objects with a lifecycle, like activities or fragments
  • All coroutines will be canceled at onDestroy (Activity and Fragment)
  • Here, we have 3 new builders:
    • launchWhenCreated: when there are long running tasks that only happen in lifecycle of activity or fragment, this coroutine will run when activity or fragment created for the first time
    • launchWhenStarted: this coroutine will run when activity or fragment started
    • launchWhenResumed: run coroutine as soon as the app is up and running

Live Data Builder

  • this block will automatically execute when live data is active, it’s automatic decide when to stop and cancel coroutines inside it based on lifecycle owner.
  • Inside Live Data building block, we can use emit() function to set value for LiveData

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